The UK: The Minister of Law and Human Rights, Yasonna H. Laoly promoted freedom of religion in Indonesia before a member of the British Parliament, Fiona Bruce. He said the Indonesian government protects human rights in various aspects of life, including freedom of religion.
Yasonna explained that Indonesia is the largest Muslim country and the third-largest democracy in the world. In this atmosphere of diversity, the government is here to provide legal certainty over the personal freedom rights of the Indonesian people.
"Indonesia is the largest Muslim country and the third largest democracy in the world which continues to promote and protect human rights from various aspects of life, including freedom of religion," Yasonna said in a meeting between the Indonesian delegation and Fiona Bruce in England.
Freedom of religion in Indonesia is assured and regulated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia article 28 E paragraph (1) and article 29 paragraph (2). In addition, the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 39 of 1999 on Human Rights also guarantees freedom of religion as one of the rights to personal rights in Article 22 paragraphs (1) and (2).
Yasonna explained to Bruce that apart from Islam, there are also several other religions in Indonesia where the people live side by side peacefully and even care for each other when each celebrates their religious holiday. Such conditions can occur because Indonesia has Pancasila as the basis and ideology of the nation. Pancasila continued that Yasonna can become an umbrella covering various religions, cultures and ethnicities in Indonesia so that people respect diversity and embrace tolerance.
"Pancasila is the ideology and basis of the state, which values diversity, just, and civilized humanity and maintains Indonesian unity," Yasonna said to Bruce on Monday night (24/07/2023).
"Pancasila taught us the freedom with responsibility concept. Confident in the truth of their respective beliefs, but respecting the beliefs of others so that people live in harmony, different but one as our motto, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, "he explained further.
Yasonna hopes that the Indonesian and British governments can work together to promote religious freedom, not only nationally but at the global level, especially because Bruce is the British Prime Minister's special envoy for Freedom of Religion and Belief, as well as chairperson of the International Alliance for Freedom of Religion or Belief.
"Indonesia looks forward to Madam Bruce's support and suggestions on how we can work together to promote religious freedom globally and nationally in our diverse society," he said.
Bruce himself said that the international community had recognized Indonesia's ability to protect freedom of religion despite experiencing various challenges in a pluralistic society. For this reason, Indonesia is seen as having a central role concerning human rights issues in the national and global context. Bruce hopes that the cooperation between Indonesia and the British parliament in religious freedom will increase.
One step of cooperation between Indonesia and the British parliament is holding an International Conference on Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy, which will be held in Jakarta on 13-14 November 2023. The conference will be organized by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the Leimena Institute, the International Center for Law and Religion Studies at Brigham Young University Law School, and the United States-based International Secretariat for Religious Freedom. Bruce has confirmed his certainty to attend as one of the speakers on the topic "Human Dignity and the Rule of Law: Global and Regional Outlook".
Last updated 17 January 2024