Jakarta – The Central Jakarta Class I Immigration Office immediately deported a Chinese man who was wanted by the Police of his home country. Head of the Central Jakarta Class I Immigration Office, Wahyu Hidayat, revealed that LS was detained by immigration officers on Tuesday (07/11/2023) at an apartment in Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta.
"We received information from the Directorate of Immigration Intelligence regarding a search for people by the Chinese Police who were located in the Class I Immigration Office area of Central Jakarta. The Immigration officers then followed up on the information obtained and carried out a search and arrested the foreigner," said Wahyu at a press conference on Monday (20/11/2023).
During an examination of the person’s Passport and Residence Permit, it was discovered that the person had not been living at the address stated on his Residence Permit. Next, the officers took immigration administrative action in the form of detention of the person in the local detention room.
"We get information that LS was included in the POI of the Immigration Intelligence Directorate at the request of the Chinese Government's Interpol regarding economic crime cases in his country in 2020," said Wahyu.
In addition to detention, LS will also be given immigration administration action in the form of deportation accompanied by deterrence as in Article 75 paragraph 3, Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration, which states that deportation can be carried out on foreigners who try to avoid threats and execution of punishment in their home country.
"Furthermore, the deportation of LS will be carried out after coordinating with Interpol through the Directorate General of Immigration. The Central Jakarta Immigration Office continues to be committed to increasing supervision of foreigners living in the Central Jakarta area. We want the Central Jakarta area to be a conducive area, supporting the national economy, and not becoming a place for international fugitives," said the Head of the Central Jakarta Immigration Office, Wahyu Hidayat.
Reporter : M. Fijar Sulistyo
Editor : Achmad Nur Saleh
Last updated 22 November 2024