Press Release

Press Release: The DGI Issues Diaspora Visas to Support Indonesian Economy

Press Release: The DGI Issues Diaspora Visas to Support Indonesian Economy

JAKARTA – Pemerintah Indonesia beri kenyamanan dan kemudahan bagi diaspora Indonesia untuk bisa berkunjung ke Tanah Air dengan mudah. Direktur Jenderal Imigrasi, Silmy Karim mengatakan, Visa Diaspora dapat langsung diberikan untuk masa tinggal lima atau sepuluh tahun.

"The absence of facilitating policies hampers the Indonesian diaspora who want to contribute to the country. Diaspora is an asset, so we offer the Diaspora Visa as the answer to their difficulties. Now, it is easy for the Indonesian diaspora to stay for a long time and contribute to Indonesia. They can feel that our Motherland is their home, too, where they can work. "So there is a sense of belonging to Indonesia," said Silmy at the Directorate General of Immigration Building, Jakarta, Thursday (16/11/2023).

Silmy continued that the Diaspora Visa provides various other conveniences; applicants can obtain a stay permit directly. Applicants of Diaspora Visa can submit their applications easily and concisely via

Applicants of Diaspora Visas can apply for the visa without a sponsor. Application requirements include:

  1. passport with a minimum validity of 12 (twelve) months;
  2. proof of availability of living expenses;
  3. colour headshot photograph;
  4. statement of commitment, which must be submitted within 90 (ninety) days of arrival, in the form of purchasing Indonesian Government bonds, shares/mutual funds in public companies in Indonesia, or savings/deposits worth US$35,000;
  5. documents that prove that the foreigner was once an Indonesian citizen, including an identity card, birth certificate, family card, Indonesian passport, diploma or certificate.

Beberapa negara yang juga telah menerapkan kebijakan visa bagi diasporanya di antaranya adalah India, Irlandia dan Portugal. Program “Overseas Citizen of India” (OCI) yang memberikan beberapa keuntungan seperti izin tinggal jangka panjang dan hak untuk memiliki

property in India. India also has specific policies for its diaspora citizens. With this policy, it will be easier for the Indian diaspora abroad to contribute to their country through physical efforts, thoughts, or investments.

"We need to emulate reasonable and beneficial things, don't waste the potential of the Indonesian diaspora so that they can return home and contribute to Indonesia," said Silmy.

The Indonesian diaspora is spread across 18 countries, including Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, China, Suriname, Madagascar, United States, Netherlands, Timor-Leste, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Germany, South Korea, South Africa, New Caledonia, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The number of Indonesian diaspora is around 6 million people.


Last updated 17 January 2024